With communication, travel and business becoming increasingly international, one language is needed to bridge the gap between different countries and languages. English is the language that is the key to unlocking global opportunities. People these days need to be able to communicate with fluency and accuracy in everyday situations.The Teaching Methodology at Sheffield is skills-based. This means that we teach the 4 macro-skills of Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. Each macro skill is divided into sub-skills; for example, Speaking is divided into pronunciation, rhythm, stress and situational and functional conversation techniques, etc. Vocabulary, structure development and grammar are taught across all the skills. The teaching approach at Sheffield is communicative and eclectic. Students are encouraged to become actively involved in using English at all times to communicate with their classmates and teachers in practical situations. Pair work and group work is promoted as a basis for oral fluency and confidence.
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Last Updated on Saturday, 26 January 2013 13:45 |