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Homestay rates cover accommodation, breakfast
and dinner daily and include lunch at the weekends. A member
of the homestay family will escort you to and from Sheffield
School on your first day. Homestays can be organised prior to
arrival in NZ. Some students like to choose another form of
accommodation when they first arrive here, and later decide
to move into a homestay. Regardless of your decision on the
type of accommodation , two weeks advanced notice on your enrolment
form is required for us to arrange homestay for you. Homestay
payments are usually made by Sheffield on behalf of the student.
However some students prefer to pay the family directly themselves.
Both options are acceptable. When you register for Sheffield
courses, you can also ask us to arrange for your airport welcome
and accommodation in Auckland. In order to do this, please fill
out an Accommodation Placement Form indicating whether you want
homestay and airport welcome |
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Facilities Dining Room;
Breakfast and evening meals are available with pre-paid coupons
from Monday to Friday and midday meals included on the weekends.
The dining area also functions as a common social area with
TV and hot and cold beverage machines.
Sheffield House has its own self-service laundry with coin operated
washing machine and dryers. Payphones
are located in the reception area of Sheffield House.
Airport welcome
With an airport welcome, you will be met upon arrival at the
Auckland International Airport by a Sheffield representative,
who will arrange transportation to take you to the Sheffield
campus. Airport welcome is available from 9:00 am to 6:00
pm New Zealand time on the two days before the start day of
each program.
To arrange for Airport Welcome, please check the appropriate
box when you fill out the Accommodation Placement Form.
Some helpful
tips to prepare yourself (before leaving home)
a) Visit your library
or travel agency to see if there are books, photographs, or
any literature with information about Auckland.
b) Research your destination on the
Internet. There is a wealth of information on almost any destination
in the world.
c) For approximately 3 to 4 days before
leaving for your destination try doing everything in English.
This is much easier if you have friends or family that can
help you.
d) If there are two or more hours time
difference between your home and destination set your watch
to local time at your destination. Do this a few days before
your departure and it will help you to adjust to the time
difference before you arrive.
Working Holiday
You can study at any school and any time period you choose
in New Zealand.
Visitor's Visa
A Visitor's Visa will allow up to (90) study days in New Zealand
at a registered institute. A Student authorization is required
if you plan to study beyond that period of time.
You can discussed with Admin staff about it if you wish to
study further.
Your First Day
Your first day of school will be active and fun.
9:00 - 12:00 PM
Any necessary forms are explained and filled out
Lifestyle and weather in the Auckland region are explained
Homestay rules (Homestay Guide explained)
Bus timetable and free gift of International Calling Cards
will be given.
English appraisal test to find your suitable course placement
1:00 - 2:30 PM
After lunch, you will be given a city tour. Stops with explanations
include the Main Bus Stop, Downtown Shopping Centre, Some
shops, Library, Banks, Supermarket and Post Office.
2:30 PM
After a long day, you are dismissed with some instructions
for the next day. |
a. A non-refundable homestay application fee is payable.
b. Homestay fees include breakfast
and dinner on weekdays (Monday to Friday) and three meals
at weekends.
c. You must let us know your
flight arrival details at least two weeks before you arrive,
so that we can arrange your homestay. Should you arrive with
less than two weeks notice, we will help you find a standard
hotel or backpacker accommodation until a homestay becomes
d. If you are going to be
in homestay for more than 8 weeks, your initial homestay booking
will be for a period of 8 weeks so that you and your homestay
family have time to adjust to each other.
e. Homestay fees are paid
two weeks in advance (fortnightly) to your homestay family.
f. You must give a minimum
of 2 weeks notice if you wish to change from homestay to another
form of accommodation.